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Simple REST checkout flow

This topic is subject to change as the progress of Magento 2.3 GraphQL coverage continues to expand.

The checkout process is an important piece of any online store. It can be as simple as a single click or as complicated as filling out a series of forms to complete a purchase.

The goal of this topic is to describe a simple, end-to-end checkout implementation in Venia to learn from and build upon in your own projects.

Magento REST endpoints

GraphQL is a significant improvement over REST when working with asynchronous data requests. In its current state, Magento 2.3 GraphQL coverage only includes a limited subset of catalog operations, so the checkout flow described in this topic uses the REST API to complete the process.

The following is a list of Magento REST endpoints and HTTP methods used for this checkout flow:

REST Endpoint HTTP method Usage
/V1/guest-carts POST Get information about or create and store a new cart ID
/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/items POST Update cart with item details
/V1/guest-carts/{cartId} GET Get information about the cart items
/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/totals GET Get information about cart totals

For a list of Magento REST endpoints, see the REST API documentation in devdocs.

Shopper experience

Before going into the technical steps that happens in the background, you should be familiar with the events surrounding the checkout process.

The following steps summarize the basic checkout experience for an online shopper in Venia:

  1. The shopper navigates to a product page.
  2. The shopper adds an item to the cart using the Add to Cart button.
  3. The shopping cart drawer slides out as a response to the add item action.
  4. The shopper clicks on the Checkout button.
  5. The Shipping and Billing form appears and replaces the shopping cart drawer.
  6. The shopper fills out the form or uses preset account information and clicks on the Submit Order button.
  7. A confirmation page appears and the shopper clicks on Continue Shopping to go back to the product page.

Detailed technical flow

The following sections provide the technical details for each step in the checkout flow.

Updating the cart

  1. When the shopper clicks on the Add To Cart button, the Product component calls the addItemToCart action creator and waits for the action resolution.
  2. The addItemToCart function checks the local storage for an existing cart ID.

    If an existing cart ID does not exist, the function dispatches a CREATE_GUEST_CART action, using data from a POST request to the /V1/guest-carts REST endpoint, to assign a cart ID to the current session.

    After the function obtains an existing cart ID, it dispatches an ADD_ITEM_TO_CART action, using data from a POST request to V1/guest-carts/<cartID>/items, to update the cart. This request also updates the cart information stored on the server.

  3. When the ADD_ITEM_TO_CART returns with a successful response, the function calls getCartDetails and toggleCart.

    The getCartDetails action creator makes two simultaneous calls to the /V1/guest-carts/<cartId> and /V1/guest-carts/<cartId>/totals REST endpoints. When the parallel requests return with successful responses, it combines the data to create a payload for the GET_CART_DETAILS action. This action updates the information displayed on the cart with the new data.

    The toggleCart action creator dispatches the TOGGLE_DRAWER action to open the cart for viewing.

Checking out

  1. When the shopper clicks on the Checkout button, the requestOrder action creator dispatches the REQUEST_ORDER action.
  2. After the action completes, the function dispatches the RECEIVE_ORDER action.

Submitting the order

  1. When the shopper clicks on the Submit Order button, the submitOrder action creator dispatches the SUBMIT_ORDER action.
  2. After the action completes, the function dispatches the ACCEPT_ORDER action.

Completing the checkout flow

The checkout flow ends with the shopper clicking on the Continue Shopping button. This calls the resetCheckout action creator which calls closeDrawer to hide the cart drawer and dispatches the RESET_CHECKOUT action. The RESET_CHECKOUT action returns the cart to its default empty state.