This is the pre-release documentation site for the Magento PWA project. To provide feedback or contribute content, check out the pwa-devdocs repository.

Create the initial theme files

Unlike regular Magento Themes, Magento Progressive Web Apps are built on top of the PWA base theme. They are also decoupled from the backing Magento stores, so they no longer need to be developed under app/design/frontend.

It is still possible to develop your project under app/design/frontend, but the recommended approach is to use Composer to manage the connection between your project and the backend store.

In this part of the Project setup tutorial, you will create the initial files and directories for a Magento PWA theme using the recommended Composer approach.

Create theme directory and files

  1. For this tutorial, orange-theme will be the name of the theme directory. Run the following command to create this directory and cd into it:

    mkdir orange-theme && cd orange-theme

    Note: Your theme directory does not need to be created inside a Magento application directory.

  2. Create a media directory and place a preview.jpg image file inside. This image is used as the preview image for your theme.
  3. Create a theme.xml file.

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd">
         <title>Orange Theme</title>

    This file provides the name of theme, the required PWA parent theme, and the location of the preview image to Magento.

  4. Create a composer.json file.

         "name": "orangecompany/orange-theme",
         "description": "The inimitable Orange Theme.",
         "version": "1.0.0",
         "require": {
             "php": "~7.1.0|~7.2.0",
             "magento/framework": "100.3.*",
             "magento-research/theme-frontend-pwa": "*"
         "type": "magento2-theme",
         "license": "OSL-3.0",
         "autoload": {
             "files": ["registration.php"]

    This file makes your theme a composer package for easy distribution in the Magento Marketplace.

  5. Create a registration.php file to register your theme with Magento.

     use \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar;
  6. Create directories for your theme’s static files using the following command:

     mkdir -p web/css/source web/fonts web/images web/js

Now that you have the basic directory structure for your theme project, you need to install project dependencies.