This is the pre-release documentation site for the Magento PWA project. To provide feedback or contribute content, check out the pwa-devdocs repository.

Project setup tutorial

This multi-part tutorial goes through the steps of setting up a development environment for creating a theme.

If you experience problems with the project setup, see Troubleshooting.


  1. Create the initial theme files
  2. Install project dependencies
  3. Link project to the Magento backend
  4. Create configuration files
  5. Create a simple peregrine app


To complete this tutorial, make sure your development system has the following:

  • NPM - NPM is a package manager for JavaScript. It is used in projects to add packages and libraries to your theme.

  • NodeJS 8.x LTS - A JavaScript run-time environment that executes server-side JavaScript code. NodeJS 8.x is the newest LTS release at the time this topic was written.

    Note: PWA Studios intends to keep pace with NodeJS LTS windows, so we recommend you use the latest LTS version for NodeJS.

  • A local Magento 2 store accessible via filesystem. A network share also works if your backing store is in a virtual machine or remote system.

    Note: Use the 2.3-develop branch of Magento for this tutorial.

Begin this tutorial by creating the initial theme files.